16 Key Customer Experience Stats

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  1. Australian businesses lose $720 per bad customer experience. (Ernst and Young)
  2. Only 31% of organisations recognize and reward employees across the company for improving the customer experience. (Forrester Research)
  3. 71% of social media users tend to buy from the brands they follow on these platforms (CMO)
  4. In the US, women outnumber men in use of all social media except LinkedIn – 19% versus 24%. (Finances online.com)
  5. Posts on Facebook are shared 30% more when they include the word “video” (Hubspot)
  6. Customers who engage with companies of social media are more loyal and they spend up to 40% more with those customers than other customers (Bain and Co.)
  7. 75% of consumers want to personalise their own experience (Fifth Quadrant)
  8. Increasing customer retention rates by 5% could increase profits from 25% to 95%. (Harvard Business Review)
  9. A 10% increase in customer retention results in a 30% increase in the value of the company. (Bain and Co.)
  10. A fifth (20%) of client-side survey respondents say that customer experience is the single most exciting opportunity, ahead of mobile (18%) and content marketing (15%). (Econsultancy Digital Trends)
  11. Poor data can cost businesses 20%-35% of their operating revenue. (Forbes)
  12. One third of British consumers are unhappy with the service they receive and are likely to revolt when displeased. (British Standards Institution)
  13. 89% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service. (Rightnow Customer Experience Impact report)
  14. 54% of retailers admit they don’t have a single, cross-channel customer view. (Retail Systems)
  15. It is 6 to 7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. (White House Office of Consumer Affairs)
  16. A customer is four times more likely to buy from a competitor if the problem is service related versus price or product related. (Bain and Co.)

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Last updated on: April 23, 2024