If you’d like access to the recording of this past event, please enter your email below (only available to businesses open to or already offshoring; not available to BPOs).
Faced with a skills shortage at home, Australian companies are increasingly turning to the island paradise of Fiji for outsourcing customer service and back office. At this event, we’ll highlight Fiji’s low cost/high quality value proposition, with a case study by Coco Republic. We’ll cover:
- Facts and figures about the Fiji workforce and BPO industry
- How Fiji compares to other destinations – including pricing, culture, location
- Client outcomes and data points
- Learnings and tips for your outsourcing journey.
We’ll have ample time for Q&A. Attendees receive:
🍴 Lunch delivered to your door – alternatively a $50 Deliveroo voucher OR $50 charity donation
🍾 A prize for the most interesting audience question
This event is designed for heads of customer service, contact centre and back office operations, as well as eCommerce leaders.
If you’d like access to the recording of this past event, please enter your email below (only available to businesses open to or already offshoring; not available to BPOs).