Training Services
Training is not only a way to upskill your staff, it’s also a way to encourage career progression, motivate and retain high performers – and if it’s qualification-based, it may be subsidised by Government. Matchboard makes it easy to find the right training providers to deliver corporate training online or in the classroom, in sales, customer contact, leadership, IT, retail and many other areas. Just enter your needs to connect with a shortlist of quality training providers who meet all your criteria.
When sourcing a training provider, it’s important to assess capabilities, experience, and individual trainer expertise. Matchboard takes away a lot of this headache by pre-screening training providers and only presenting you with the ones that fit your needs, however you should always do your own due diligence.
While customer service training and sales training will never go out of fashion, niche areas in which companies are increasingly investing include:
- training in written skills and etiquette necessary for digital channels (email, chat, social media) – see our article on tips for web chat etiquette
- diversity and cultural training. Training staff in how to manage interactions with people from different cultures and religions is often a valuable investment, which directly correlates to better customer satisfaction and increased sales amongst diverse multicultural customer-bases
- emotional intelligence, and
- one-on-one coaching for managers and executives looking to accelerate their career to the next level, while achieving optimal work/life balance.

In the market for training services? Click to find suppliers