Resilience and happiness in the workplace
Resilience – our ability to bounce back not only from adversity but also to withstand stress and adapt more readily to constant changes in our environment – is one of the keys to success and blossoming in a world where we are often facing daily challenges and pressures, whether in our professional or personal life.
While resilience may come naturally to some, it can be more of an enigma to others. Luckily, resilience can be learned. It entails a few specific skills which can be developed over time.
Resilient people tend to think and act in specific ways. They look at difficult situations in terms of challenges. No matter what the problem is, they have a deep knowing that a solution can be found. This may require thinking outside of the box and applying effort and perseverance, but resilient people believe that most obstacles in life can be overcome.
If faced with failure, or when things do not go the way they want, they reflect about the possible lessons to be learnt, leveraging the opportunity to learn and grow further. They tend to remain positive in the face of adversity. They do not deny the reality of negativity but do not wallow in it either, and are therefore able to move on more quickly.
Resilient people are able to regulate their emotions. They have a strong sense of personal control. They know that while they can’t control what happens to them, they have a choice in how they respond to those events. Rather than letting themselves be driven by negative emotions, they actively and consciously choose the way to respond to what life presents them with.
One of the best practices I know to respond, rather than react in life, is the practice of meditation. While there are many ways to meditate, I have found mindfulness meditation – which focuses on paying attention to the present moment as openly and with as little judgement as possible – a very useful tool to develop a stronger sense of control in how I choose to respond to what life presents me with.
Resilient people also enjoy a support network, people they can count on, whom they value and respect and who value and respect them. They know the importance of those connections and nurture them. As such, they are not focused just on themselves but also act in ways that benefit others.
Finally, resilient people look after themselves. They know that it is easier to face challenging situations if they are well hydrated, their bodies well nourished, and they have had adequate rest. They also maintain their energy levels and mental serenity by moving their bodies regularly and having some quiet time so they can restore and be ready for the next task or challenge at hand.
If you’d like assistance with strategies and tactics for employee happiness and resilience, please contact us.
Last updated on: March 18, 2022